Otome Shimai
Two sisters who have been playing Otome games, both individually and together, for 10+ years. We're always discussing the games we're playing and different Otoge related subjects anyways, so we decided to turn it into a podcast! Disclaimer: None of the games or characters we are discussing belong to us. Please don’t sue us.
43 episodes
Episode 41: Otome Superfight Pt. 2
Note: We're using new software for recording and are still figuring the technical stuff out. Apologies if anything funky pops up!We took a break so it's time to play a game! Vki and Vka round out 2023 with another episode of Otome Super...
Season 1
Episode 41

Episode 40: Otome Shimai Shorts! Jack Jeanne First Look
IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! The game Vka has been waiting for for YEARS.Join us as we dive in to a sneak peak of Jack Jeanne, the rhythm-stats-raising-otome that takes you on a musical journey!Thank you to Aksys Games for providing us with...
Season 1
Episode 40

Episode 39: Otome Shimai Shorts! Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo First Look
THIS IS LATE we are sorry Vka lost her voice and Vki also got sick and has been doing overtime.Excuses excuses, our apologies.Sneak peak of the newly released otome game, Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo! Super fun, super tropey, ...
Season 1
Episode 39

Episode 38: Line Up and Size Up - Ranking the LIs of Olympia Soiree ft. BlerdyOtome
Oh hey, we did a collab with Blerdy Otome!We're ranking LIs. It's fun. We all like Olympia Soiree. And each other. There are no spoilers.This is a placeholder description because I feel like someone is squeezing my uterus. I promise I'l...
Season 1
Episode 38

Episode 37.5: Otome Shimai Shorts! Norn9 Switch Port First Look
Norn9 is getting a Switch port! And we got a sneak peek. What's in store for new players and what has been updated for those of you who played the Vita version?Featuring some super special info by Anne Lee, who worked on the localization!
Season 1
Episode 37

Episode 37: Reviews in 2s - Olympia Soiree Pt. 2 SPOILERS
Spoilers Spoilers SPOILERS. This episode has spoilers.Olympia Soiree has so much lore it could fill a swimming pool. Twice. So, we pared it down as much as we could to the juicy bits and still ended up with our longest episode to date.
Season 1
Episode 37

Episode 36: Reviews in 2s - Olympia Soiree Pt. 1
Racism and classism and sexism, oh my! The sisters do a shallow dive (deep dive is Ep. 37! ) into the world of Olympia Soiree. A world where your color means everything and women are for making babies. Wonderful. At least the LIs are hot?
Season 1
Episode 36

Episode 35.5: Otome Shimai Shorts! Crunchyroll Expo 2022 - San Jose
Otome Shimai went to Crunchyroll Expo 2022 in San Jose! So this is us talking about it. What did we do, see, buy, and eat? DID THEY HAVE ANYTHING OTOME? Also, how was it with Vka pushing Vki around all day.We’re calling this a short, but...
Season 1
Episode 35

Episode 35: Line Up and Size Up - Ranking the LIs of BU$TAFELLOWS
This is the one where we come up with silly questions then debate them seriously. This time we’re taking a deep dive into the BU$TAFELLOWS Love Interests! Vki and Vka tend to disagree on a lot in this game, so what will the rankings look like?<...
Season 1
Episode 35

Episode 34: Vki and Vka’s Filler Episode
HELLO FRIENDS WE STILL DO THIS. It’s obviously been a minute (again), the summer of 2022 has been a bit wonky for us. But hey, at least no one is in the hospital anymore? Whoohoo!We talk about a LOT in this episode. Think of it as having...
Season 1
Episode 34

Episode 33: Game Break! Otome Superfight!
Oh hey look, a new episode!That we recorded months ago. That's what we get when both the co-hosts have full time jobs.Anyways, this is a very silly episode where we play a very silly game that involves pitting Otome LIs against ...
Season 1
Episode 33

Episode 32: Mobile Romance Bishounen on the Go-nen How Did I End Up Romancing This Ultra Hot Guy on My Phone? Ikemen Vampire
Have you ever you followed a hot dude down an abandoned hallway in a museum? Yes? Uh...ok...hmm... Did you end up going through an unmarked door in said hallway that caused you to time travel back to 19th century France? No? Thought so. (Althou...
Season 1
Episode 32

Episode 31: Reviews in 2s - BU$TAFELLOWS Pt. 2 SPOILER HEAVY
This is the spoiler heavy and serious episode on BU$TAFELLOWS. As much as we'd like to create a quippy description, the fact of the matter is that there's a lot of dark topics discussed because this game gets DARK.We'll laugh and joke where...
Season 1
Episode 31

Episode 30: Reviews in 2s - BU$TAFELLOWS Pt. 1
Look! An episode we’ve been trying to record for months! Here’s the long awaited (by us at least) first installment of our BU$TAFELLOWS review. This episode is SPOILER FREE so anyone can, and should, check it out.In addition to going ove...
Season 1
Episode 30

Episode 29: Side Tracked by Side Characters Pt. 3
What do two lawyers, a cop, an EA, and a vampire have in common? Not much apparently.Wait, no! They’re all in this episode, Side Tracked by Side Characters Pt. 3! The sisters introduce five more side characters they love and Vki has weird h...
Season 1
Episode 29

Episode 28: Line Up and Size Up - Ranking the LIs of Piofiore
We’ve been waiting to do this episode because the LIs of Piofiore are HOT SHIT. Literally (in Yang’s case). Ranking ikemen has never been more entertaining (or weird) as Vki and Vki discuss everything from who’d be the best espresso-partner to ...
Season 1
Episode 28

Episode 27: Game Break! Otome Taboo!
Do you know how to play Taboo? Because Vki doesn’t. This episode is Vka taking advantage of that. Vka put together a new Game Break for the new year and this one is full of laughs and ridiculousness (as usual). Join us as we try to get each oth...
Season 1
Episode 27

Episode 26: Game vs. Anime - Who is My Boyfriend Today?
Amnesia! Memories! The anime! Is it good? Is it bad? Will Vka remember the plot of the game? How many minutes are just Vki ranting? The sisters spend this episode comparing the Amnesia anime to the Amnesia game and spend most of the time just w...
Season 1
Episode 26

Episode 25: Mobile Romance Bishounen on the Go-nen How Did I End Up Romancing This Ultra Hot Guy on My Phone? Obey Me!
On this week's episode Vki and Vka miss all but one opportunity to make inappropriate "D" inspired jokes on the mini-series with the longest name "Bishounen on the Go-nen How Did I End Up Romancing This Ultra Hot Guy on My Phone?" this time fea...
Season 1
Episode 25

Episode 24: Why Would You Do That? Pt. 5
This week Vka and Vki return to their original mini-series, “Why Would You Do That?” where they pick apart different tropes they’ve noticed in Otome games. And yes, the title is “That” and not “This”. Vki apologizes for getting it wrong in EVER...
Season 1
Episode 24

Episode 23: Side Tracked by Side Characters Pt. 2
CAN WE DATE THEM? No we can't. The sisters talk about more side characters that they wish they could have spent more time with! Which one made the Shinsengumi butthurt? Who raised 6 sons with no life skills? And do we actually w...
Season 1
Episode 23

Episode 22: Reviews in 2s - Piofiore Pt. 2 SPOILER HEAVY
THIS EPISODE HAS SPOILERS. SO MANY SPOILERS. But you know what isn’t a spoiler? How much we love Gilbert Redford. Seriously, A+ to the World's Best Mafia Boyfriend. Vka and Vki go through the twists and turns in each LIs route, PLUS the True En...
Season 1
Episode 22

Episode 21: Reviews in 2s - Piofiore Pt. 1
THE SISTERS ARE BACK FROM HIATUS! In this episode we: didn’t read our notes, left a cat in the room, forgot how to say “kidding”, and didn’t tell you who Yang is. We did, however, show our usual insane amount of biases. If you haven’t played Pi...
Season 1
Episode 21

Episode 20: Line Up and Size Up - Ranking the LIs of Collar x Malice
Battle royals, aliens, and cats? Ranking LIs lets us bring up some fun topics. Vka comes up with strange questions then refuses to answer one. Enjoy 40 minutes of us being biased...again.ALSO, we have an ANNOUNCEMENT at the end of th...
Season 1
Episode 20

Episode 19: Game vs. Anime - Code: Steampunk Corgi Butts
Sisi is the REAL main character and Lupin is actually fairly useless. (You're not wrong, but you're also not right. -Vka) Well then maybe you should write these descriptions! (Nevermind, you can be right. -Vka)The sisters compare Code: Real...
Season 1
Episode 19