Otome Shimai
Two sisters who have been playing Otome games, both individually and together, for 10+ years. We're always discussing the games we're playing and different Otoge related subjects anyways, so we decided to turn it into a podcast! Disclaimer: None of the games or characters we are discussing belong to us. Please don’t sue us.
Podcasting since 2021 • 43 episodes
Otome Shimai
Latest Episodes
Episode 41: Otome Superfight Pt. 2
Note: We're using new software for recording and are still figuring the technical stuff out. Apologies if anything funky pops up!We took a break so it's time to play a game! Vki and Vka round out 2023 with another episode of Otome Super...
Season 1
Episode 41

Episode 40: Otome Shimai Shorts! Jack Jeanne First Look
IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! The game Vka has been waiting for for YEARS.Join us as we dive in to a sneak peak of Jack Jeanne, the rhythm-stats-raising-otome that takes you on a musical journey!Thank you to Aksys Games for providing us with...
Season 1
Episode 40

Episode 39: Otome Shimai Shorts! Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo First Look
THIS IS LATE we are sorry Vka lost her voice and Vki also got sick and has been doing overtime.Excuses excuses, our apologies.Sneak peak of the newly released otome game, Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo! Super fun, super tropey, ...
Season 1
Episode 39

Episode 38: Line Up and Size Up - Ranking the LIs of Olympia Soiree ft. BlerdyOtome
Oh hey, we did a collab with Blerdy Otome!We're ranking LIs. It's fun. We all like Olympia Soiree. And each other. There are no spoilers.This is a placeholder description because I feel like someone is squeezing my uterus. I promise I'l...
Season 1
Episode 38

Episode 37.5: Otome Shimai Shorts! Norn9 Switch Port First Look
Norn9 is getting a Switch port! And we got a sneak peek. What's in store for new players and what has been updated for those of you who played the Vita version?Featuring some super special info by Anne Lee, who worked on the localization!
Season 1
Episode 37