Otome Shimai
Otome Shimai
Episode 25: Mobile Romance Bishounen on the Go-nen How Did I End Up Romancing This Ultra Hot Guy on My Phone? Obey Me!
On this week's episode Vki and Vka miss all but one opportunity to make inappropriate "D" inspired jokes on the mini-series with the longest name "Bishounen on the Go-nen How Did I End Up Romancing This Ultra Hot Guy on My Phone?" this time featuring Obey Me! Where they talk about all 7 seven avatars of sin (and some heavenly ones too) as well as give a thoroughly confusing but very in depth gameplay overview of a mobile otome game like no other.
Vka also outs her sister as a prophet and squeals over birthday phone calls from her sexy demon boyfriends while Vki encourages poking them in all kinds of places.
Join us for a RAD adventure in the Devildom!
Games discussed: Cupid Parasite, Ikemen Vampire, Obey Me!
None of the games or characters discussed belong to us.